神戸ポートタワー展望3階回転フロアに「SAKE TARU LOUNGE」を2019年6月1日オープン!! 『世界初の廻る清酒ラウンジ 』で世界一の酒処”灘五郷”を体感できます。 1周20分で客席が回転する『大人のメリーゴーランド』で貴重な日本酒や世界初の日本酒サーバー、地元スイーツとのマリアージュなどをお楽しみください。 The "SAKE TARU LOUNGE" is the only sake bar in Japan where you can enjoy products from all Sake breweries in Nada gogo. Here it is possible for you to enjoy more than 40 different kinds of Sake, without having to go to different breweries and you cannot do in other similar bars, because the SAKE TARU LOUNGE offers the biggest variety of all. The bar also offers different options of nibbles like side dishes and sweets which have been specially selected from the famous restaurants of Kobe to go with and accompany your sake. These nibbles are specially made and come from Kobe to give you the tastiest experience.
新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大により存続の危機を迎えております。全国的な非常事態で皆様も不安な中、大変恐縮ではございますが、Bapple & 最高音響の支援プロジ...